Best Sitting Position for Restless Legs Syndrome Over the last thirty years, I have been successfully treating...
Sitting With Legs up on Chair | Should You Sit in Chairs With Your Legs Up?
Chiropractor Explains: Sitting With Legs up on Chair When you’re on the go, it can be hard to find a comfortable...
Best Position to Sit After Eating | Sitting Better After Food & Meal
Best Sitting Position for Digestion By improving your posture, you can improve digestion. Sitting or standing up...
Stomach Hurts When Sitting | Doctor Explains Abdominal Pain
Why Your Stomach Hurts When Seated Many people have been affected by stomach pain at some point. If your pain is...
5 Reasons Why Sitting is Uncomfortable
5 Most Common Reasons Why Sitting is Uncomfortable The point of sitting in a chair is to have something that will make...
Buttock Pain When Sitting | 8 Tips for Buttocks & Piriformis Pain Relief
It is not uncommon to feel sore and achy in your buttocks after sitting at work all day. Constant pressure exerted on...
Hamstring Pain When Sitting | Doctor Explains Hamstring Pain
Hamstring Pain & Tendinopathy When Sitting Many people suffer from tight, tender hamstrings. For some people, this...
Why Your Knee Hurts When Sitting
Why Your Knee Hurts When Sitting You may be sitting somewhere and feel some discomfort in your knee. What is the...
Best Sitting Position for Spinal Stenosis | Spine & Posture Specialist Explains | Correct Lumbar
Chiropractor's Guide: Correct Way to Sit with Lumbar Spinal Stenosis With spinal stenosis, you have spinal canal...
How to Sit with Piriformis Syndrome | Chiropractor Explains Sitting Pain
How to Sit with Piriformis Syndrome Piriformis syndrome is a condition that results from an inflamed piriformis...