As a chiropractor, I have spent countless hours studying the human body and its intricate design. One aspect of the body that has always fascinated me is the concept of the golden ratio. This mathematical ratio has been found to be present in nature, art, and architecture, but did you know that it also applies to the human body? In this blog post, I want to explore the golden ratio of the human body and its significance from a chiropractor’s perspective. Join me as we delve into the beauty and intricacy of the human form and discover the importance of balance and symmetry in achieving optimal health.
Golden Ratio
The golden ratio, with a proportion of 1:1.618, is considered highly appealing to the human eye. This ratio is concealed within numerous art masterpieces and naturally appears worldwide. It is present in many beautiful entities, including seashells, the Mona Lisa, the Giza pyramids, and even galaxies. Additionally, it manifests itself within the human body.
An excellent illustration of this phenomenon is evident in human facial features. Highly attractive faces exhibit the golden ratio extensively. A more detailed discussion on facial attractiveness will be provided later. For now, consider the following measurements, with closer proximity to the ratio 1:1.61 signifying increased attractiveness:
- Facial length
- Distance from pupil to teeth to the chin
- Distance from hairline to the eyebrow to eye
It is worth noting that this concept has been extensively researched and implemented by contemporary plastic surgeons during client evaluations. However, the majority of studies have focused on female subjects. As more men begin to invest in their appearance, it is expected that future research will include male participants.
Determining Your Ratio | Human Body
For this exercise, assign a value of 1 to your waist measurement. Consequently, your shoulder measurement should approximate 1.61.
A highly accurate, life-like representation of the ideal body drawn to scale is provided below:
Aiming for a waist-to-shoulder ratio of 1:1.61 will result in a body that is aesthetically pleasing to most observers, aside from individual preferences.
To calculate your ratio, measure your waist circumference, followed by your shoulder circumference (you may require assistance for this step). Then, divide your shoulder measurement by your waist measurement to obtain your ratio.
Example: 30-inch waist, 49-inch shoulders = 1.63
This calculation will offer valuable insights into the areas you need to improve, such as increasing shoulder mass or reducing waist size. Consequently, you can tailor your training regimen accordingly.
By concentrating on achieving the ideal ratio, you will develop a body that is universally appealing, notwithstanding personal preferences.
In addition to the previously mentioned ratios, we can also consider the proportions of the spine and thorax to gain a comprehensive understanding of the golden ratio’s role in human anatomy.
The golden ratio, also known as phi, is a mathematical proportion found in nature and art that has been recognized since ancient times. It is a ratio of approximately 1:1.618 and is often represented as the golden section, golden proportion or Fibonacci. The human body exhibits this ratio in various ways, such as the length of the longer part of the body to the shorter part, which is close to the golden ratio. The Vitruvian Man, drawn by Leonardo da Vinci, is a perfect example of the human body’s proportions based on the golden ratio.
The golden ratio can also be observed in the human face, with the distance between the eyes and mouth and the width of the nose being in proportion to each other. The importance of the golden ratio for the function of the human body lies in its prevalence in nature and the inherent design principles it represents. The ratio’s frequency in the body’s design, from DNA strands to the proportions of the human body, suggests that the golden ratio is fundamental to the human body’s form and function.
The human spine follows a natural curvature, and the golden ratio can be observed in the relationship between the vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae, for instance, have a height-to-width ratio of approximately 1:1.618, which contributes to the overall stability and flexibility of the spine.
The thorax, comprising the rib cage and sternum, also demonstrates the golden ratio. The width of the thorax, in relation to its height, adheres closely to the 1:1.618 proportion. This harmony allows for optimal lung capacity, efficient respiration, and adequate protection for vital organs.
By integrating the spine and thorax ratios with the existing waist-to-shoulder and facial ratios, we can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the golden ratio’s impact on human attractiveness and functionality.
Pursuing the ideal ratios throughout the body, including the spine and thorax, will not only result in an aesthetically pleasing appearance but also promote overall health, structural integrity, and physiological efficiency.
Da Vinci and the Vitruvian Man
The Vitruvian Man is a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci around 1490. It is accompanied by notes based on the work of the architect Vitruvius. The drawing, which is in pen and ink on paper, depicts a man in two superimposed positions with his arms and legs apart and inscribed in a circle and square. The drawing and text are sometimes called the Canon of Proportions or, less often, Proportions of Man.
According to Vitruvius’s architectural treatise, the ideal human body fits harmoniously into the perfect geometric forms of the circle and the square. This echoes the ancient belief in a universal cosmic order of balance and symmetry.
The proportions of the human body as described by Vitruvius in Book III of his treatise “De Architectura”:
- A palm is four fingers
- A foot is four palms
- A cubit is six palms
- Four cubits make a man
- A pace is four cubits
- The length of a man is 24 palms
Therefore, according to Vitruvius, the ideal human body is eight heads high (as the head was considered 1/8 of the total height), and the span of the arms (fingertip to fingertip when arms are extended) should be equal to the height of the body.
For the specific case of the thorax (chest), Vitruvius does not provide a precise measurement. However, it can be estimated using the other proportions. The height of the thorax up to the shoulders is approximately two head lengths, and the width is approximately two head widths at the widest point (across the shoulders), following the 1/8 proportion theory.
It’s important to note that real human bodies show considerable variation, so these “ideal” proportions won’t hold for everyone. They are theoretical proportions rather than actual averages or norms.
In conclusion, the golden ratio is not just a mathematical concept, but a fundamental principle that underlies the very structure of our human body. As a chiropractor, I have seen firsthand the importance of maintaining balance and symmetry in the body to promote optimal health and function. By understanding the golden ratio and its application to the human body, we can appreciate the beauty and complexity of our design, and work towards achieving a greater state of well-being. Whether it’s through chiropractic adjustments, exercise, or simply adopting healthy habits, let us strive to honour and care for our bodies as the remarkable vessels that they are.