There is a lot of debate over whether or not neck pillows should be used in bed. Some people swear by them, while...
What Are the Differences between an Ergonomic Chair and a Non-ergonomic Chair? | Ergonomic Chairs, Office Chair, Office Chairs
Should you buy an ergonomic chair? What are the differences between an ergonomic chair and a traditional office chair?...
Can Sitting Cause Headaches?
It’s no secret that sitting for long periods of time is bad for your health. But did you know that it could also lead...
Can’t Sit Still at Night
Do you have a hard time sitting still at night? Once the sun goes down, do you feel antsy and like you need to be...
Why Am I Not Able to Sit Straight?
Most people don't think twice about sitting up straight, but it can be a real challenge for those who suffer from poor...
How Can I Protect My Thoracic Spine?
If you are like most people, you probably take your thoracic spine for granted. But if something were to happen to...
Does Sitting All Day Cause Hip Flexor Strain?
Have you ever been told that sitting all day is bad for you? It's a common misconception that has some truth to it....
How to Drive with Sciatica Pain | Chiropractor Shares Secret
Are you one of the millions of people who experience sciatica pain? If so, you know how frustrating and debilitating...
How to Identify a Pinched Femoral Nerve
If you're experiencing pain in your thigh, groin, or hip region, there's a good chance you're feeling the effects of a...
Jaw Tension Causing Neck Pain? | Headaches, Stress and Jaw Pain Symptoms
If you're like many people, you may be struggling with jaw tension causing neck pain. These are both common issues...
How To Tell the Difference Between Muscle Pain and Nerve Pain | Pain – Injury
It's no secret that it can be challenging to determine what's wrong and how to fix it when you're injured. This is...
What Is a Bruised Spine Feeling? | Doctor Explains Back Spinal Bruise Sensation
If you've ever had a bruised spine feeling, you know how debilitating it can be. The pain is often sharp and constant,...
Can Bad Posture Cause Chest Pain? | Tightness Symptoms from Poor Posture
If you've been experiencing chest pain, it's essential to rule out possible causes. Many people think poor posture is...
Can Piriformis Syndrome Cause Constipation?
If you're experiencing constipation and you don't know why it's worth considering whether Piriformis Syndrome is to...
Why Does Good Posture Hurt?
Chiropractor Explains Why Good Posture Hurts As a new year resolution, many people say they’re going to improve their...
Should You Sit On A Chair Without A Backrest?
Chairs without backrests can be found in many places and unfortunately, people often buy them. For this reason in my...
Is Heel Sitting Good for You?
Is Heel Sitting Good for You? Sitting on your knees is a common sitting position where the soles of your feet are...
What Is the Healthiest Way to Sit?
What Is the Healthiest Way to Sit? You know that feeling you get when you're...
5 Reasons Why Sitting is Uncomfortable
5 Most Common Reasons Why Sitting is Uncomfortable The point of sitting in a chair is to have something that will make...
What Is the Best Pressure Relief Cushion?
What Is the Best Pressure Relief Cushion? I often get questions on my Youtube channel or my private practice about...