Chiropractor Explains: Sitting With Legs up on Chair
When you’re on the go, it can be hard to find a comfortable position for your legs. That is why we have found that people who are resting their feet propped up or elevated while they read this article will benefit from improved circulation and reduced swelling as well.
As a general rule, the act of raising your legs, particularly at or above heart height, prevents blood from accumulating in your lower extremities and enhances blood circulation. Keep your legs up when you sit to encourage blood flow in your legs and avoid or minimize varicose veins.
You should also elevate your legs whenever possible when you read what I have here today. With my decades of experience as a chiropractor and ergonomic specialist, I will show you some great tips on how to improve blood flow to all parts of the body by taking pressure off those pesky veins!
The Benefits of Sitting with Elevated Legs
Vascular problems, swelling in the feet, and heart problems don’t just affect old people. Consider changing things up if you think your workplace is too stressful and doesn’t offer enough activity breaks! In the human body, sitting for long periods can cause varicose veins, as the body was not designed to sit still for long periods.
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You may be looking at someone with lymphedema next time Grandma complains about tired legs or swollen feet. Genetics also plays a role in venous disease, so you should always pay attention next time she complains about tired legs or swollen feet!
How Long Should You Have Your Legs Up?
As a general rule, you must raise your legs above your heart for this procedure to be effective. Maintain their elevated position for 15 minutes every four hours.
Conditions Benefited by Having Legs Up
May Reduce Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Unless treated, a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the leg could spread to other areas of the body, such as the lungs. By elevating (raising) your feet and legs, you can prevent your blood from pooling. This reduces the likelihood of clots forming. Make sure your feet are elevated when you are seated or lying down.
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Prevention of Varicose Veins
Leg elevation has been shown to relieve varicose vein symptoms. Exercise, dieting, and resting when standing or sitting can also help decrease pain and prevent varicose veins from worsening.
Aids in Leg Swelling (Lymphedema) Reduction
Increasing the height of the affected limbs can reduce swelling. Your doctor may recommend that you elevate your legs when you lay down and rest the affected body part on a pillow above the heart.
Spider Vein Prevention
Your legs should be raised above the level of your heart to prevent swelling and blood pooling which may lead to spider veins. When you’re relaxing, elevate your legs for 10 to 15 minutes. If your legs are below your heart level, prop them up with pillows or cushions.
Easier on Heart
Having your legs above your heart encourages gravity to move the built-up fluids towards your heart, thus reducing swelling and pain more quickly.
Tips for Improving Leg Circulation
So, leg elevation is a really easy thing to do that can make your circulation better. If you’re already experiencing symptoms of the venous disease like swollen legs or blood clots in the veins around your ankles and feet then it’s especially important for you!
Stretching and Exercise
You always have to be on the lookout for varicose veins, but luckily they are preventable with a little walking. Luckily you can practice poses that bring your feet higher than your heart in yoga which is called an inversion. There’s even one called Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose where you just need to lie down and relax!
Compression Socks
A pair of compression socks can help promote blood circulation. A compression sock gently directs blood flow up the leg, minimizing leg or foot swelling.
Compression Boots
Compression boots use a technique that simulates the natural muscle pump of your body. The compression feels like a deep pressure and relaxing massage for your legs. They may feel similar to a blood pressure cuff around your foot. These inflatable boots can be used at home while you’re sitting or lying down and can provide benefits without needing to go to an expensive spa.
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Use an Ergonomic Seat Cushion
Using an ergonomic seat cushion is a great way to improve your posture and reduce that annoying lower back pain. Natural latex allows the cushion to conform to your body, providing optimal support and spinal alignment. Additionally, it should be designed with the help of a back expert in order for it properly fit the natural curves of your spine and creates the best sitting position. By following this advice, you may be able to sit comfortably.
It’s also important to avoid placing your legs on a hard surface without a cushion. This can lead to discomfort and pain. To ensure proper blood circulation and comfort, it’s important to have a cushion that supports your legs and also to maintain a proper balance in the neck and back area. A cushion that is designed to provide support to the area can be used to help with this.
Is It Bad to Sit With Your Legs up on Your Chair?
It’s really important to monitor your blood pressure often because low BP can make you feel terrible. If it gets too low, the pooling of blood in your feet and legs will cause discomfort or even dizziness/pain if left untreated! It might help to do some light exercise that’ll get the heart pumping faster, like walking around for 5-10 minutes before lying down again.
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One of the most common questions we get from our clients is whether or not to sit with your legs raised while they’re on the go. The answer, it turns out, maybe yes! We recommend raising your feet and propping them up for more comfort when you are sitting in a chair at work, travelling by plane or train, reading in bed before sleep time—or even if you’re just watching TV.
You can also try elevating your feet while working at a computer; this will help reduce swelling and improve circulation. To learn more about how ergonomic principles like these could benefit you and why they might matter to your business’s bottom line, visit us online today!
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- Cheville, A.L., McGarvey, C.L., Petrek, J.A., Russo, S.A., Taylor, M.E. and Thiadens, S.R., 2003, July. Lymphedema management. In Seminars in radiation oncology (Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 290-301). WB Saunders.
- Madsen, P., Svendsen, L.B., Jørgensen, L.G., Matzen, S., Jansen, E. and Secher, N.H., 1998. Tolerance to head-up tilt and suspension with elevated legs. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine, 69(8), pp.781-784.
- Mujadzic, M., Ritter, E.F. and Given, K.S., 2015. A novel approach for the treatment of spider veins. Aesthetic surgery journal, 35(7), pp.NP221-NP229.
**As a service to our readers, Axial Chairs provides access to our library of archived content. Please note the date of the last review or update on all articles. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinicians.